An invoice will be emailed for your final payment, which is due by Thursday, December 7, 2023.
Terms and Conditions
Please read the following information and conditions carefully.
NOT INCLUDED: Meals, sightseeing, and transportation not mentioned under included features, personal and baggage insurance, and any items of a personal nature.
AIR TRANSPORTATION: The price of this trip is based on a Group Air Fare. After tickets are issued, penalties of up to 100% may be levied if your reservations are changed or cancelled. If connecting flights are requested, special promotional fares may be used, in which case penalties of as much as 100% may be assessed by the airlines if reservations are changed or canceled after ticketing. After departure, if the reservations are changed, you will be charged a revision fee and/or a higher fare.
CANCELLATIONS: If cancellation is received between:
September 18, 2023 and December 7, 2023
$750 per person is non-refundable |
December 8, 2023 and February 1, 2024 |
$2,000 per person is non-refundable |
February 2, 2024 and March 6, 2024 |
TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE: Beyond Group Travel, Inc. and Portland Garden Club recommend "Trip Cancellation" insurance to protect you against non-refundable monies should you have to cancel for accident or medical reasons prior to or while on your trip. Beyond Group Travel, Inc. will provide the registrant with the appropriate insurance application upon receipt of the registration form and deposit. The receipt of the insurance application by the traveler will constitute the traveler's acceptance or waiver of insurance coverage.
ACCIDENT & BAGGAGE INSURANCE: Beyond Group Travel, Inc. suggests that you have adequate accident and baggage insurance. Beyond Group Travel, Inc. and The Portland Garden Club and are not responsible for personal injury, accident or illness, loss, damage or theft of luggage or personal belongings.
RESPONSIBILITY: Beyond Group Travel, Inc. and Portland Garden Club act only as agents for the suppliers of travel conveyance, transport, accommodation or other service and has no responsibility in whole or in part for any delays, delayed departure or arrival, missed carrier connections, loss, death, damage or injury to person or property or accident, mechanical defect, failure or negligence of any nature howsoever caused in connection with any accommodations, transportation or other services or for any substitution of hotels or of common carrier equipment, with or without notice, or for any additional expenses occasioned thereby. Further, the passenger participates in this tour at his/her own risk. Hiking, walking, use of various transportation and recreational vehicles, and other physical activity involve greater risk of physical injury than the activities which the passenger may participate in during daily life, and by taking part in those activities, the passenger incurs and assumes all risk that these activities present. RATES QUOTED ARE BASED ON INCLUDED TRIP COMPONENTS AT THE TIME OF RESERVATION AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGES THEREIN AT OR BEFORE THE TIME OF DEPARTURE. No revisions of the printed itinerary or its included features are anticipated; however, the right is reserved to make any changes, with or without notice, which might become necessary, with the mutual understanding that any additional expenses will be paid by the individual passenger. Package pricing is based on a minimum number of participants for the trip to operate. Beyond Group Travel. Inc. reserves the right to cancel the program with a partial refund of deposit when the number of participants is below the critical level. You will be informed of trip cancellation at least 2 months in advance. Baggage is at the owners’ risk throughout the trip, unless insured by the passenger. The right is retained to decline to accept or to retain any person as a participant of this trip at any time, subject only to the requirement that the portion of the total amount paid which corresponds to the unused services and accommodations be refunded. If the entire program is canceled for any reason, participants shall have no claim other than for a partial refund. By forwarding the deposit, the participant certifies that he/she has no physical, mental or other condition or disability that would create a hazard for him/her or other participants and accepts the terms of this contract. The airlines and other transportation companies concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event; during the time participants are not on board their conveyances. If Beyond Group Travel, Inc. is the merchant on your credit card transaction, you agree to the following: Beyond Group Travel, Inc.’s services consist of facilitating the sale and paying the Suppliers, and once Beyond Group Travel, Inc. provides said services, you agree not to dispute the credit card charge. The tour staff is responsible for the group as a whole and will not be able to assist individuals extensively, either on a regular basis or in the case of serious illness or injury.
COVID-19 EPIDEMIC: I requested that Beyond Group Travel Inc make one or more travel reservations on my behalf. As the worldwide COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic remains ongoing at this time, I acknowledge that for this reason, and other reasons not reasonably foreseen at this time, these travel plans may be interrupted or cancelled by the supplier that is providing them, a government entity or other third party over which Beyond Group Travel, Inc. has no control. I further acknowledge that the supplier’s own cancellation, rebooking and refund policies, subject to any applicable law that is now or may later be in effect, will govern my rights and remedies, including my right to receive a refund, at such an event. Moreover, I understand that should I elect to purchase travel insurance, the terms of the policy will dictate whether, and to what extent, coverage for any financial loss may exist under the circumstances. By depositing this program, I hereby agree to hold Beyond Group Travel, Inc. harmless and release it from any and all liability for any damages, including but not limited to monetary losses, I may incur as a result of such interruption or cancellation of these travel plans.